
トランプ管理で CX はどのような?|What does CX look like in a Trump administration?




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Among the many likely changes from the new administration, look for a shift in how government delivers citizen services, according to a new report from Forrester. Based on President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed policies, the research firm outlines several changes agencies might see in customer-centric IT, including: 1. More open data: The use of open data web platforms like Data.gov will continue to grow, highlighting the importance of a single open data standard for information collected from agencies and the private sector and more granular reporting on federal spending. 2. Cybersecurity tradeoffs: Incoming agency leaders may sacrifice new services and improved digital experiences for more robust cybersecurity. 3. Weakening of 18F and U.S.
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Gartner 都市居住者の 50% が 2019 年までにスマート都市のプログラムと対話します。|Gartner 50% of City Residents Will Interact With Smart City Programs By 2019




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Smart cities are here in a big way. New research from Gartner estimates that as many as half of milion-people city residents will be sharing information with some type of smart city program by 2019. The volume and diversity of the data generated by citizens will continue to grow in line with the proliferation of consumer devices and the IoT. “As citizens increasingly use personal technology and social networks to organize their lives, governments and businesses are growing their investments in technology infrastructure and governance,” said Anthony Mullen, research director at Gartner. “This creates open platforms that enable citizens, communities and businesses to innovate and collaborate, and ultimately provide useful solutions that address civic needs.
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SEC の データを開く ルールは、オバマ政権の終わりの前に来ることができます。|SEC’s open data rule could come before end of Obama administration




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Open data advocates have long sought a rule change to require the use of machine-readable data in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In a new letter to senators on the banking committee, SEC Chairwoman Mary Jo White announced the possibility of doing just that. White’s Dec. 12 letter to Sens. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), respectively the chairs of the Senate Banking Committee and the Banking Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment, came in response to a call for the SEC to cease promulgating new regulations in the wake of the election of Republican Donald Trump.
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Foss: 4 データ輝|Foss: Fourth Data Hui




4 番目のデータ ホイでここに来れてうれしいです。統計大臣として、私は、課題について議論する絶好の機会と近代的なデータ環境に向き合う機会としてこれらのイベントを参照してください。 多くの場合統計のマジックについてお話しします。私には、データと統計に通知し、Ngo、企業、政府がより良い意思決定を助ける、私たちの生活の多くの分野を強化する力があるつまり。 2 年前に大臣の統計をなると、私は質問を提起した: 場合の統計量ニュージーランドは、株式市場にフローティングするだろうそれが違ったことをやってか。 政府の統計学者リズ マクファーソンと言って喜んで私と彼女のチームはこのアイデアを取り、それを実行します。以来、卓越性、または「財務データ」の中心地として統計量ニュージーランド位置に取り組んでいます。


It is a pleasure to be here at the Fourth Data Hui. As Minister of Statistics, I see these event as a golden opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities we all face in the modern data environment. I often talk about the magic of statistics. To me, that means data and statistics have the power to inform and enhance many areas of our lives, helping NGOs, businesses and government make better decisions. When I became Minister of Statistics two years ago, I posed a question: If Statistics NZ was to be floated on the sharemarket, would it be doing things differently? I am glad to say Government Statistician Liz MacPherson and her team took this idea and ran with it. Ever since, we have been working to position Statistics NZ as a centre for excellence, or the ‘Treasury of Data’.
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ヘルシンキ市: ヘルシンキの新世代都市情報モデル|The City of Helsinki: New Generation City Information Models for Helsinki




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The City of Helsinki has commissioned two next-generation 3D city models: a smart, semantic city information model and a visually high-quality reality mesh model. These models are based on the most recent measurement, modelling and city information model methods developed over the past ten years. Helsinki is the first city in the world to simultaneously utilise both 3D city models. They are available as open data. “The city information model is based on the open, global CityGML standard, and many open source code applications have been applied in the model work. This will bring benefits to tax-paying city inhabitants,” project manager, Mr Jarmo Suomisto from City of Helsinki emphasises.
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意義の小さな所所上昇|Small sattellites rise in significance




アメリカ国家地球空間情報局は最近新しい作物を取得する契約を結んだサンフラン シスコ ベースのプロバイダー Planet.The から商用衛星画像の契約は興味深い部分で画像の面で提供しています何のため: 地球の陸地、15 日ごとに更新の 85% をカバーするビュー。同様に重要なは、小型衛星の上昇する意義にこの $ 2000 万契約を与える合図です。パンガーに見えるそのインテルの多様性とそのプラットフォームの柔軟性を高めるため、惑星によって提供されるような小型衛星アレイを想定していますこれまで以上に重要な役割。」長い時間の高解像度、長時間星座とされた商業 GEOINT] [お金を稼ぐ唯一の方法が認識されました。


The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency recently inked a deal to acquire a new crop of commercial satellite imagery from San Francisco-based provider Planet.The contract is interesting in part because of what it offers in terms of imagery: A view that covers 85 percent of the Earth’s landmass, refreshed every 15 days.Equally significant, though, is the nod this $20 million contract gives to the rising significance of small satellites. As NGA looks to increase the variety of its intel and the flexibility of its platforms, small-satellite arrays like that offered by Planet are assuming an ever more important role.“For the longest time it was perceived that the only way to make money [with commercial GEOINT] was with a high-resolution, long-duration constellation.
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には データを開く と、’ 今まで以上 ‘ 透明 GR 市委員会公約|GR City Commission pledges to open data, transparency ‘now more than ever’




グランド ラピッズ, ミシガン – グランド ラピッズ市委員会は、オープン データ ポリシーとその支配今週の透明性を託した。 火曜日、12 月 13 日の会合では、委員会は全会一致でデフォルトで都市のデータを公開し、市民のためにアクセスする障壁を取り除くことを約束した「無防備都市」ポリシーを承認。 市長ロザリン ブリスは、情報へのアクセスはより良い彼らの政府に従事することができるので居住者に力を与えるキーと述べた。 “このポリシー設定期待任命された役人が部門ごとにだけではなく、”ブリスは言った。 人で、オンラインや問題について住民と相談した上、電話や方法を改善するシティの市民と接続するための新しいアプローチを使用する都市のポリシーを呼び出します。


GRAND RAPIDS, MI — The Grand Rapids City Commission committed to an open data policy and to greater transparency in its governing this week. At its Tuesday, Dec. 13 meeting, the commission unanimously approved an “Open City” policy that pledged to share city data publicly by default — and to remove barriers to access for citizens. Mayor Rosalynn Bliss said access to information is key to empower residents so they can better engage in their government. “This policy sets the expectation, not just for appointed officials, but for every department,” Bliss said. The policy calls for the city to use new approaches to connect with city residents, whether it be in-person, online or over the phone, and for the city to improve the way it consults with residents on issues.
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新しいサイトで データを開く 戦略と米国防総省の実験|Pentagon experiments with open data strategy in new site




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On the new data.mil, the Defense Digital Service wants to tell stories around DOD databases rather than just throwing them online. Samantha Ehlinger is a technology reporter for FedScoop. Her work has appeared in the Houston Chronicle, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and several McCl… The Defense Department isn’t known for being the most open agency in federal government, but its Digital Service team is seeking to change that through a new website it officially launched Wednesday, data.mil. The DOD may have had an open data program but it hadn’t gotten a lot of attention, said data.mil site creator Mary Lazzeri to FedScoop. Defense Digital Service Director Chris Lynch says the goal with data.
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グラフを基にした推薦システムで データを開く リンクを紹介|Introducing linked open data in graph-based recommender systems




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We give guidelines to drive the choice of the feature selection technique, according to the needs of a specic recommendation scenario (i.e., maximize accuracy, maximize diversity). We investigate the impact of the integration of the knowledge coming from the LOD cloud in a graph-based recommendation framework. Thanks to the recent spread of the Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative, a huge amount of machine-readable knowledge encoded as RDF statements is today available in the so-called LOD cloud. Accordingly, a big effort is now spent to investigate to what extent such information can be exploited to develop new knowledge-based services or to improve the effectiveness of knowledge-intensive platforms as Recommender Systems (RS).
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CCI データ ビューアー|The CCI Data Viewer




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Submitted by Fay Done on Tue, 13/12/2016 – 17:19 The CCI Data Viewer is a web based EO data visualisation tool for accessing data products hosted on the CCI Open Data Portal. The viewer allows any user to benefit from the Portal’s installed Web Map Service (WMS) server without the need for a local installation of any applications in order to visualise WMS compatible data products. Functionality of the tool includes the facility to zoom/pan geo-located data maps, analyse data along a transit, analyse data at a single point and switch between multiple layers. Please note that this tool can only be accessed via the CCI Data Search tool and is only applicable to those datasets that possess WMS compatibility.
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