
オープン データ科学が提示ビジネスの機会に新しい連続 CEO|Open Data Science Presents Business Opportunity to New Continuum CEO




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Continuum Analytics turned some heads last month when it announced the appointment of IT industry veteran Scott Collison to be its new CEO. With stints running departments of Microsoft, VMware, and Salesforce.com, Collison looks to grow Continuum’s data science platform business through a combination of enterprise savvy and open-source scale. In a recent interview with Datanami, Collison explained how his experience in the enterprise software world prepared him for his latest gig as the head of Continuum Analytics, a growing 50-person Texas outfit that’s quickly become a driving force in the Python data science community.
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シビック技術の新機能: 運動サイト、トランプの下上昇上のアプリ|What’s New in Civic Tech: Activism Sites, Apps on the Rise Under Trump




シビック技術の新治政テクノロジーの世界ではハイライトと最近の出来事を見てを取る。 技術を通じて政治的関与を奨励するための努力は、ドナルド トランプの大統領職の偏光の初期の頃の中で現れ始めています。 新しいアプリとウェブサイトの数を容易に焦点を当てるし、大統領の議題に反対を容易にするために求めます。集計求人情報技術セクター才能トランプに対して直接働くことに興味のために上院議員と電話で毎日のトピックを示唆モバイル通知を提供することから彼らの機能の範囲。


What’s New in Civic Tech takes a look at highlights and recent happenings in the world of civic technology. Efforts to encourage political involvement through tech have begun popping up amid the polarizing early days of Donald Trump’s presidency. A number of new apps and websites seek to simplify, focus and facilitate opposition to the president’s agenda. Their functions range from providing mobile alerts suggesting daily topics to bring up in phone calls with senators to aggregate job listings for tech-sector talent interested in working directly against Trump.
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ハックし、€5000 を獲得するヘルスケアの未来の地図|Hack and map the future of healthcare to win €5000




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Coders and entrepreneurs have the chance to win up to €5,000 if they can marry Eircodes with open data to create useful healthcare apps for citizens. The upcoming x-Gov Hackathon at Dublin City University (DCU) will give software developers, entrepreneurs and researchers the chance to vie for a top prize of €5,000. All they have to do is come up with apps and services that marry Eircode postal codes with open data sets. The hackathon will take place at DCU on 10 February between 9am and 10pm. As well as an overall prize of €5,000, teams can compete for a second prize of €3,000 and a third prize of €1,000.
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消費者製品の臨床試験データを見直し今エール プログラム|Yale program now reviewing consumer products clinical trial data




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The Yale University Open Data Access (YODA) Project has announced the first-ever broad availability of clinical trial data for consumer products by a company. This expansion of data sharing is made possible through a collaboration with Johnson & Johnson. Results from the clinical trials of the consumer businesses of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies will now be made available to researchers through an agreement with the YODA Project, establishing a fully independent intermediary to manage requests and promote data use, just as the company has done with its pharmaceutical and medical devices and diagnostic clinical trial data.
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エイダン マーサー、ベントレー ・ システムズとのインタビュー|Interview with Aidan Mercer, Bentley Systems




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Bentley Systems held its annual Year in Infrastructure Conference in London, UK, from 1 to 3 November 2016, which featured industry executives discussing the latest innovations in technology for architects, engineers, constructors and owner-operators. Bentley is a leading provider of software solutions for advancing infrastructure. The event was an excellent setting for a meeting with Aidan Mercer, global industry marketing director for utilities and government. In the in-depth discussion, he talked about the role the company plays in advancing the world’s infrastructure and how geomatics is a key element of many of Bentley’s applications. We’re hearing a lot about reality modelling at Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure Conference.
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311 パフォーマンス メトリック – サービス要求対情報を要求|311 Performance Metric – Service Request vs Information Request




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食品全体の変更のドライブにデータをラベル洞察力武器研究をリード|Label Insight Arms Leading Researchers with Data to Drive Change Across the Food industry




参加大学・機関には、制限なしのラベルの洞察力のデータに基づいて彼らの調査結果を公開する自由が与えられます。研究者は、このデータを使用に影響を与えると食品・栄養政策の改善し同様に作成または自社製品を展開したときの食品メーカーの選択に影響を与えます。 「当社は消費者と彼らが使用している製品の透明性有効にすることの使命に設立されました。学術研究コミュニティにさらにヘルプすることができます当社の技術と考えています。ラベルの洞察力は、研究、学習、およびデータを使用して大きな影響を与える人への変更の進歩のためのデータ開放は「ザビエルは言った。


Participating universities and institutions are granted the freedom to publish their findings based on Label Insight’s data without restriction. Researchers use this data to impact and improve food and nutrition policy, as well as influence food manufacturers’ choices when creating or reformulating their products. “Our company was founded with the mission of enabling transparency between consumers and the products they use. We believe our technology can be of further help to the academic research community. Label Insight is opening up its data for the advancement of research, learning, and change, to the people who can use the data to make a significant impact,” said Xavier.
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交通の流れを改善するために車両のデータを活用するコンチネンタル ・都市研究所ソフトウェア パートナー|Continental And Urban Software Institute Partner To Leverage Vehicle Data To Improve Traffic Flow




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There are various ways of knowing what’s ahead when you’re stuck in traffic: Dynamic Message Signs, radio reports, real-time traffic info and apps. But the information is only as good as the data, and Continental recently took steps to help improve traffic flow data by becoming a strategic partner with the Urban Software Institute. Founded in 2012, the Urban Software Institute developed UrbanPulse, an open data platform that helps cities collect and aggregate data from transportation infrastructure.
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取得分析ペーパーを Creating.Analysis 提供書く|Acquire Analysis Papers Creating.Analysis Offer WRITING




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Of all the educational articles, analysis document writing is actually a serious affair along with a extremely tough one particular for college kids when they have so many things to learn as part of their programs. This is without a doubt in which research papers producing professional services from can help to save individuals time and effort and enable them to obtain great grades with their strategy to producing a great occupation they are dreaming. We help it become very easy and hassle-free for your individuals by supplying choices where by pupils can find investigation reports on-line without having to concern yourself with the high quality and the relevance of your issues.
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オープン データライブラリ |データ ツール |ツール & リソース|Open Data Library | Data Tools | Tools + Resources




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Decisions about transportation are informed by data. Data feeds MTC’s maps, charts, and planning analyses and forecasts. This, in turn, helps MTC commissioners and other public policy makers make informed decisions. MTC collects statistics — lots of them. We invite the public, developers, programmers and planners to dive into our data — and use it. Our Spatial Library, located in this portal, gathers data for mapping to illustrate trends and information geographically. Make a data request! Where do Bay Area residents live and work, and how do they get there? What are their ages, genders, income and occupations? Find out in the MTC/ABAG Modeling Library. Have a spatial mapping project in mind, or are you looking for assistance with making a map? Request our services.
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