
開発計画 (更新)|Development Plans (Updated)




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ジュニパーネットワークスは、ハイブリッド クラウド環境の作成と管理を簡略化します。|Juniper Networks simplifies creation and management of hybrid cloud environments




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Juniper Networks has announced Juniper Networks Unite Cloud, a data center framework that simplifies the creation and management of hybrid, multi-cloud environments. As part of Juniper Networks Unite, a secure, agile enterprise architecture, Unite Cloud is designed to reduce the total cost of ownership while increasing long-term return on investments.
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メタボローム解析で データを開く の管理。|Global open data management in metabolomics.




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Chemical Biology employs chemical synthesis, analytical chemistry and other tools to study biological systems. Recent advances in both molecular biology such as next generation sequencing (NGS) have led to unprecedented insights towards the evolution of organisms’ biochemical repertoires. Because of the specific data sharing culture in Genomics, genomes from all kingdoms of life become readily available for further analysis by other researchers. While the genome expresses the potential of an organism to adapt to external influences, the Metabolome presents a molecular phenotype that allows us to asses the external influences under which an organism exists and develops in a dynamic way.
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Groundhog 日の オープン データ: 政策の改革をもたらす技術を変更します。|Open Data on Groundhog Day: Policy Reforms Bring Tech Change




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Last week, on Feb. 2, leaders from 22 tech companies fanned out across Capitol Hill. We crossed from Senate office buildings to House, and back again. We sat down with eight members of Congress and nine groups of staffers. We walked nearly ten miles. We ended our fourteen-hour day with a well-deserved beer. This was my sixth Groundhog Day leading the Data Coalition. It resembled the previous five. Our trade association wants the federal government to modernize its information. Open data must replace documents. Formats must replace forms. Companies and programs should be identified the same ways, across agencies. Separate systems should talk to each other. We started saying this in 2012. Our mission statement is supremely wonky. Our ambitions aren’t.
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File:Logo データを開く day.png|File:Logo open data day.png




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専門家の反応: 変換戦略の約束を示していますが、クロス ホワイト ホールで購入する必要があります|Expert reaction: Transformation strategy shows promise, but needs cross-Whitehall buy-in




財務省からの持続的な投資と上級閣僚からの専門家が言っている -、写真のクレジットにバックアップする戦略が必要: PA 遅れて戦略は、ロンドンの改革の年次会議で昨日発売されました、政府サービスとシステムを変更する計画を設定”でペースし、規模」。 それはキャビネット オフィス フランシス Maude および政府デジタル サービス創設者マイク ワラビの元大臣の駆動には、デジタル サービスだけでなく、政府のバックエンド システムを根本的に改善に焦点を当て、2012年デジタル戦略の構築を目指します。 また、データの使用率を高める、スキル トレーニング ポリシー、デジタルとホワイト ホールとブースト公務員内での操作の間のより協調的文化を作成する計画を設定します。


The strategy needs sustained investment from Treasury and backing from senior ministers, experts have said – Photo credit: PA The long-delayed strategy, which was launched yesterday at the Reform annual conference in London, sets out plans to change government services and systems “at pace and scale”. It aims to build on the 2012 digital strategy, driven by former minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude and Government Digital Service founder Mike Bracken, by focusing not only on digital services, but also on radically improving government’s back-end systems. It also sets out plans to increase use of data, create a more collaborative culture between policy, digital and operations within Whitehall and boost civil servant skills training.
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70 の医療技術企業が患者の安全運動の データを開く 誓いに署名しました|70 Medical Technology Companies Have Signed the Patient Safety Movement’s Open Data Pledge




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IRVINE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) announced today that 70 healthcare technology companies have now signed the PSMF’s Open Data Pledge to improve patient safety. The 70 companies that have made the PSMF’s Open Data Pledge are committed to allowing access to the data generated by their medical devices for researchers and entrepreneurs that seek to improve patient monitoring and care. By sharing data from their products, in accordance with applicable patient privacy laws, these companies help further the development of predictive algorithms that can notify clinicians and patients of dangerous trends and thus enable earlier interventions.
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自治体はアンカレッジの新しいデータのウェブサイトを起動します。|Municipality launches new data website for Anchorage




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The city of Anchorage on Wednesday launched a new website aimed at making important data more accessible to residents, businesses and public officials. The municipality’s new ‘open data portal’ can be viewed HERE. So far the site includes data on crime, homelessness and property appraisal as well as inspection results for restaurants and childcare facilities. Brendan Babb, the city’s Chief Innovation Officer, says the project is still a work in progress and will likely have new features added in the future. “This is just the beginning, we’re going to be adding data throughout the year and adding additional data sets,” Babb told reporters Wednesday morning. “I’m very excited that we’re launching this open data portal.
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政府のデータを開くことを約束それに役員チーフ データを指名する設定|Government set to appoint chief data officer as it promises to open up data




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The UK government will appoint a new chief data officer and data advisory board as part of its drive to develop a more efficient public service by ridding old systems and sharing data between departments, while promising a more “open government”, according to its Transformation Strategy. The new chief data officer, which will likely be the first since Mike Bracken’s departure in September, will oversee the implementation of the government’s new data strategy that includes greater data discovery tools, data-sharing and an opening up of data that could help businesses grow. The government did not specify who, or when, the new role will be enforced.
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ブリストル市議会 tiscreport.org – 世界で世界の最初透明な市になることを約束.|Bristol City Council pledges to become world’s first Transparent City with tiscreport.org – the world’s …




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Tiscreport.org, the open data registry committed to helping to end slavery within our lifetimes, has collaborated with Bristol City Council to help them eliminate slavery in their supply chains, providing a Local Authority dashboard to meet specific requirements of the council, their systems and their data. Whilst this is in beta at the moment, it will give rise to more insightful features and tools specifically for local authority use. The Modern Slavery Act passed into law in March 2015 and laid the foundation for combating slavery in the UK.
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