
ODN バージョン 1.6.2 リリース|ODN version 1.6.2 released




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This is a so-called bug-fix release, i.e. it contains only improvements for existing functionality, no new features. Release contains fixes from upstream for single-sign-on functionality (ODN/CAS was updated from version 4.1.0 to 4.1.10) and full-text search (ODN/SOLR was updated from version 4.10.2 to 4.10.4). For more in-depth technical summary about this release please take a look at release notes: https://github.com/OpenDataNode/open-data-node/releases/tag/ODN_v1.6.2 . Future road-map along with information about previous releases is available in ODN Wiki at https://utopia.sk/wiki/display/ODN/Roadmap+and+releases .
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国防総省は新しいプラットフォームで一般に分類されていないコードを開きます|DOD Opens Unclassified Code to the Public in New Platform




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The Department of Defense has launched Code.mil, an open source initiative linking software developers around the world with Federal employees. Created in tandem with GitHub, Code.mil allows software developers from the private sector and Federal employees to modify unclassified code written for DOD projects. Code.mil will serve as a repository for DOD code that individuals can review and suggest changes for. “This is a direct avenue for the department to tap into a worldwide community of developers to collectively speed up and strengthen the software development process,” states a press release on the DOD website. “In exchange, DOD program code hosted on GitHub will be open and available for individuals to reuse and repurpose for personal and public projects.
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データの偏りの影響|The Repercussions of Gender Bias in Data




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WASHINGTON, Feb. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Imagine trying to make a decision with only half the information. Today, nearly all organizations across the public and private sectors rely on data to make better decisions about everything from employee salaries to new legislation. Data provides decision makers insight into what the baseline is, where collective needs are, and where resources should be allocated. But half our world’s population—women—are underrepresented and many times completely unrepresented in these datasets. Inaccurate data often results from gender bias in the design of surveys or questionnaires, or from someone other than the woman or girl responding to a survey on her behalf.
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外国嫌いの人、空腹のイエメン、および データを開く: カンニング|Xenophobes, hungry Yemenis, and open data: The cheat sheet




毎週、編集者の IRIN のチームを取る見て何が私達の人道主義の議題を待ち受けて、最高のレポートの意見、あなたが逃したかもしれないジャーナリズムのいくつかの選択などを手がける: 飢饉で来週のスポット ライト. ここでは、簡単なクイズ: どの国が国連と呼ばれる最大の食料緊急世界で?それはナイジェリア、ボコ ・ ハラム反乱に北東をハードに見舞われているところですか。カメルーン、チャドやニジェール、チャド湖と取引の同じ危機-今日のオスロ ドナー会議地域の資金のすべてのフォーカスのフォール アウトの国境にもいかがですか。おそらく南スーダンの飢饉を宣言だけですか。間違っている、間違っていると再度悪事します。それはイエメンでは、どこの今週、国連警告 730 万の人が飢餓の危機にひんしています。


Every week, IRIN’s team of editors takes a look at what lies ahead on our humanitarian agenda and curates a selection of some of the best reports, opinion, and journalism you may have missed: Next week in the famine spotlight… Here’s a quick quiz: Which country has the UN called the largest food insecurity emergency in the world? Is it Nigeria, where the northeast has been hit hard by the Boko Haram insurgency? How about Cameroon, Chad, or Niger, also on the borders of Lake Chad and dealing with the fallout of the same crisis – all the focus of today’s Oslo donor conference to raise funds for the region? Perhaps South Sudan, where famine has just been declared? Wrong, wrong, and wrong again. It’s Yemen, where this week the UN warned that 7.3 million people are on the brink of famine.
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5 キー G20 力は、汚職を支援する約束を破る|Five Key G20 Powers Break Promise to Help Tackle Corruption




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ROME/BERLIN, Feb 23 2017 (IPS) – Five key G20 countries are failing to meet commitments to publish data that helps tackle corruption, warns a new report by international anti-corruption watchdogs. “If the data was publicly available it could be used to curb criminal activities, including money laundering and tax evasion,” according to the joint research, published on February 23 by Transparency International (TI) and the Web Foundation. “In 2015 the G20 (Group of the 20 most industrialised countries) agreed that in order to help stop corruption, governments should publish data on open data platforms so that civil society could monitor the use of public resources, including how taxes are spent, how contracts are awarded and how money is funnelled into political campaigns.
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DoTR 収集道路安全愛好家|DoTR gathers road safety enthusiasts




運輸省 (DoTr) とそのパートナー機関は、道路安全考えハック イベント 3 月 13 日のクラウン プラザ ホテル 18 道路安全愛好家は、フィリピンの開発者を収集します。彼らは、アイデア、方法論、デジタル メディア、キャンペーン、アプリのプロトタイプ、DOTr が集約されたグラブと道路のクラッシュ データ公開の交通データを使用してフィリピンの道路の安全性を改善するために生成されます。あります無料のワーク ショップ 3 月 13 日に Mapillary またはオープンのストリート マップを使用する方法と道路の安全性の擁護者になる方法。「クラッシュは、ターゲット政策とインフラの介入を軽減ことができます、これら必要があります証拠によって精通します。


The Department of Transportation (DoTr) and its partner agencies will gather Filipino developers who are road safety enthusiasts for the Road Safety Idea Hack event on March 13 and 18 at Crowne Plaza Hotel. They will produce ideas, methodologies, digital media, campaigns and app prototypes to improve road safety in the Philippines using open traffic data by Grab and road crash data the DOTr aggregated. There will be free workshops on March 13 on how to use Mapillary or the Open Street Map and how to become a road safety advocate. “While crashes can be mitigated with targeted policy and infrastructure interventions, these need to be well-informed by evidence.
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トランプ管理で データを開く の未来|The future of open data in the Trump administration




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Government transparency advocates expect Obama-era open data policies to continue, but would like to see agencies and Congress prioritize their expansion. President and founder of the Center for Open Data Enterprise Joel Gurin told FCW at the Feb. 23 Tableau Government Summit that his organization has been working with agency members and “is working under the assumption that open data is really a bipartisan issue.” “Agency to agency, we expect a lot of the open data programs in place will continue… there’s a lot of support within agencies” for expanded open data policies, he said.
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シビック技術の新機能: 日光・ ファンデーションが オープン データ ポリシー ウィザード|What’s New in Civic Tech: Sunlight Foundation Launches Open Data Policy Wizard




日光の財団より透明な政府のための支持者超党派グループは、オープン データ ポリシー ウィザードは、市政府を容易および他の機関データを開くポリシーを作成するように設計されていますを作成しています。 ウィザードは、ユーザーの都市または他の地域について、基本的な質問と、それに仕事情報とサンプル ポリシーのバージョンを電子メールします。として彼らがフィット参照してください、彼らはそれを編集することができます、ポリシーの Google ドキュメントのバージョンを表示します。 リリースでは、「開始点、終了点ではなく、」を作成ポリシーと呼ばれる日光財団は彼らが過去に作業を実行するすべてのユーザーに助言を強調します。


The Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group that advocates for more transparent government, has created the Open Data Policy Wizard, which is designed to make it easier for city governments and other agencies to create open data policies. The Wizard asks basic questions about a user’s city or other area, and then it emails a version of a sample policy with that information worked into it. Users also receive a Google Doc version of that policy, which they can edit it as they see fit. In a release, the Sunlight Foundation called the policy that the wizard creates “a starting point, not an ending point,” stressing that they advise all users to do work past that.
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Triptastic lets you see at a glance where you can go from your current location and the next available services to take you there. You can also explore interactive detailed maps for routes, stops and service frequencies. Its accessible travel options include information on lift and escalator outages, and accessibility information for bus services, ferry wharves and light rail. More information about this application can be found at the Triptastic website.
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ニューヨーク オープン データ の週|NYC Open Data Week




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Follow this event to get an email the next time it’s scheduled. Event Overview: In collaboration with the first annual NYC Open Data Week, GA is bringing together influencers from the health and wellness spaces to discuss how data is impacting their organizations. What You’ll Take Away: Insights into: Why It’s Important: Big Data is continuing to significantly impact the way in which organizations operate and make informed business decisions. Emerging technologies are now paving the way to innovative medical developments, and it looks as though data is beginning to transform the entire healthcare industry! Read more HERE.
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