
約束と新しいコンピューティング施設で探索データを共有の課題|Promise and challenges of sharing ‘big data’ explored at new computing facility




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Yale’s annual symposium on big data emphasized the human values at the heart of vast swaths of information. Whether it’s medical researchers sifting through mountains of genomic data, historians poring over thousands of old photographs, or astrophysicists discerning the universe via statistical algorithms, Yale scholars use big data in ways that make research more open, interconnected, and insightful. “Data ties in with Yale fulfilling its mission,” said Steve Girvin, deputy provost for research and the Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, at the start of the Yale Day of Data presentations on Dec. 2. “We take our mission to do good in the world very seriously. The free exchange of ideas is a core principle and that includes data.
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オンタリオ州は、開かれた政府を強行します。|Ontario Pushes Ahead on Open Government




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Ontario has set the ambitious goal of being the most open provincial government in Canada. Minister Liz Sandals, President of the Treasury Board, used her comments at the Open Government Global Summit currently underway in Paris, France to highlight three new transparency measures recently adopted in the province. Ontario already has an “open data by default” policy and has decided to ratify the International Open Data Charter in a bid to expand the government’s commitment to transparency. By adopting the charter, the government will also support the creation of common data standards and outline specific deadlines by which progress toward implementation can be demonstrated. Ontario is one of 15 subnational governments participating in the Open Government Partnership’s pilot program.
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日光・ ファンデーションが データを開く 国家政策ポータル|Sunlight Foundation launches national open data policy portal




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A new website represents the beginnings of an effort to make transparency policies understandable and a discussion point among city leaders. Jason Shueh is a tech editor at StateScoop with a specialty for civic tech and smart city news. His articles and writing have covered numerous subj… The Sunlight Foundation launched a new beta website Friday to demystify the open data policies of cities and states around the county. The project, created through partnership with the Bloomberg What Works Cities (WWC) initiative, was announced by Sunlight Foundation open data project lead Stephen Larrick in Paris as part of the 2016 Open Government Partnerships Global Summit.
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エッセイ line.Publication のドキュメントを購入する良い理由を動機を構成する.|Motives Good Reasons To Purchase ESSAYS On-line.Publication Document Composing …




動機購入エッセイに良い理由 line.Publication にドキュメントを構成する Assistance.Main 理由なぜプロジェクトは不可欠の試論は、学校で行う必要があります最も頻繁なものの一つです。今日、それは実際にも大学入力の必要性です。人々 の様々 な専門知識の悩みにある、取得生産要件からレギュラーが通常と異なるので、主にこれは、なぜ、誰でもプロからオンライン エッセイを取得する必要があります。 一意性、良い質の高い一般的な機関エントリの評価者、および教授を見つけるしようとするものです。だからこそ、私たちを要求する学生のたくさん-«私のエッセイを書く»、答えはここで最後に利用可能にするに感謝しています。


Motives Good Reasons To Purchase ESSAYS On-line.Publication Document Composing Assistance.Main Reasons Why AN Project Is Essential The Essay is one of the most frequent stuff you should do at school. Today, it is actually even a need for college entry. There are a variety of folks that expertise trouble in acquiring in, mainly because the regular from the producing requirement differs from the usual. This is why, it is necessary for anyone to acquire essay online from pros. Uniqueness, good and high quality common are just some of the things which the institution entry evaluators and professors try to find. That is why, there are plenty of college students who request us- « write my essay », are grateful that the answer will be lastly available here.
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家族に焦点を当てた Genomic データ共有プラットフォームのワシントン大学チーム詳細未来|University of Washington Team Details Future of Family-Focused Genomic Data Sharing Platform




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NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – With growing recognition in the lab community that the accuracy and safety of genomic analyses may depend on shared access to available data, sharing tools and programs have abounded in recent years. However, this movement has not translated into direct accessibility for patients and families, despite the fact that recipients of clinical genomic analyses have a legal right to their test results.
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2017 政策の優先順位: データとデジタル経済の燃料補給|2017 Policy Priorities: Fueling the Digital Economy with Data




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Over the past few weeks, I’ve discussed many of the tech and innovation issues the Trump Administration and incoming Congress ought to prioritize. This week, I want to focus on the fuel that helps power progress in these fields: data collection and innovation. Legislators in the 115th Congress have an opportunity to continue growing the digital economy. That opportunity, however, could be stymied by regulations and rules that hamstring flexible, responsive revenue models. The recent privacy rules from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are one example of how a misguided focus on “consumer protection” efforts aimed at curtailing potentially innovative uses of information could very well end up hurting consumers.
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Oz gummint の「開かれた政府」戦略が最後に到着します。|Oz gummint’s ‘open government’ strategy arrives at last




数日間されて開かれた政府の戦略にその足を引きずっていたと警告した後、連邦政府は、その開く政府国家行動計画をリリースしました。 数日前、政府は、(SBS、ここ) から割れを取得していない場合 OGP プロセス外蹴りを得るだろう警告削ってその注意を持っていた。 行動計画は、政府の信念、匿名技術に研究を禁止することは良いことを改めて表明します。行動計画は、そのデータが保護されているひどく公共、害を自信を持って自分のデータが保護されているを伝える言います。 レポートから引用するため:「オーストラリアでは、データを共有したり公共の信頼関係を構築、リリースされます。


A couple of days after being warned it was dragging its feet on open government strategies, the Federal Government has released its Open Government National Action Plan. A couple of days ago, the government had its attention sharpened by a warning that it would get kicked out of the OGP process if it didn’t get cracking (from SBS, here). The action plan reiterates the government’s belief that banning research into anonymity technology is a good thing. The action plan says telling the public their data is badly protected will harm confidence that their data is protected. To quote from the report: “Australia will build public trust around data sharing and release.
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主要な データを開く 変更政府で: 7 のサクセス ストーリー|Leading open data change in government: Seven success stories




2014 年末に開いたデータ リーダー ネットワークの立ち上げ、以来オープン データ研究所 (ODI) は接続、意見交換、フレームワークとの問題を解決するための戦略を策定する政府のオープン データの取り組みの実施をリードする個人のためのスペースを作成しています。我々 はこれらの指導者の顔の複雑な課題に反映、ODI の参加者にまで素晴らしいサポートを提供するために 6 ヶ月にプログラムを拡張することを決めた。 データを開く指導者ネットワーク、2 CC。


Since the launch of the Open Data Leaders Network in late 2014, the Open Data Institute (ODI) has created the space for individuals leading the implementation of their government’s open data initiatives to connect, exchange ideas, and develop frameworks and strategies for solving problems. We reflected on the complex challenges these leaders face, the ODI decided to extend the programme to 6 months to provide far great support to participants. Open Data Leaders Network, CC BY 2.
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それは、スマート市将来のセキュリティ鍵を開く|Open IT, security key to smart city future




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Smart city initiatives are big and complex projects, and municipalities are anxious to avoid making mistakes — whether that means being tied to a proprietary platform or introducing vulnerabilities into expanding networks as they work to integrate legacy data with new smart systems. To increase their agility, cities will spend twice as much with vendors committed to open application programming interfaces and data sharing, a new report from IDC Government Insights says. Cities are looking for “solutions that are based on open IT — modular, innovative, interoperable, and open sourced or at least with robust open APIs,” according to IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Smart Cities 2017 Predictions.
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スーザン引用|Susan citation




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